Parts Manuals
Here is a selection of the Parts Manuals available to purchase online for the TL125 or 125cc Honda’s.

Haynes Honda 125cc models Workshop Manual
Complete Haynes workshop manual available online and in book stores.

Honda Workshop Manual
Genuine Honda Workshop Manual TL125. This does not include the TL125 ‘S’. Available to order from your local Honda dealer.

Official Honda TL125 Parts List
Unfortunately no longer available. I sourced my copy from an auto-jumble over 20 years ago.

Honda TL125 'S' Owners Manual
This is my original Owners Manual, supplied when you purchase the bike. Not available any longer. I managed to find this used copy at a jumble sale some years ago.

Honda TL125 'S' Parts List
Again, no longer available from Honda but was the main source of information I needed for sourcing the correct parts to complete my restoration.

TL125 UK wiring Diagrams
There are a number of wiring diagrams available for the different world market bikes.
A copy of these will become available upon request in the future.

Honda Set-Up Instructions
I managed to find a set-up manual which was originally provided to the dealer explaining how to unbox and complete the final assembly of the motorcycle from the delivery crate.