Honda TL125 Forum & message boards
General Rules
- When a user registers for the forum, their posts will be awaiting moderation until the admin has approved them.
- A newly registered user will be unable to post attachments until they have 2 successfully approved posts.
These are helpful security measure against spammers.
- No spam is allowed. All automated messages, advertisements, and links to external material that is not relevant from other websites will be deleted immediately.
- Post in relevant sub-forums only. Messages posted in the wrong topic area will be removed and placed in the correct sub-forum by the Administrator.
- Respect other users. No flaming or abusing fellow forum members. Users who continue to post inflammatory, abusive or insulting comments will be deleted from the forum after two warnings are issued by the Administrator.
- Harassment. No threats or harassment, provocation or aggressive behaviour to other users of this Forum will be tolerated. Any instance of threatening or harassing behaviour is grounds for deletion from the forums.
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- For security reasons, do not publish information or content of a private nature, or any content whatsoever that would allow someone to identify you as an individual (for instance, your name, your address, telephone and email etc.).
- If you are a minor, please ask for your parents’ or legal guardians’ permission before posting any pictures.
- If you want to post pictures of other people, please ask for their permission first. If they are minors, ask their legal guardians.
Gallery & Images
- Please limit the file size of your images to 64mb. You can reduce the size of your images here –
- If you would like to add a video, please consider using YouTube or Vimeo and posting a link.We are trying to avoid large file uploads to the site to keep it running smoothly and increase this websites lifespan.
Attach Multiple Images into a Post
- Click Attach files in the bottom left of the post.
- Click ‘Attach Files’ and find your images.
- Click ‘Start Upload’.
- Select your images (right-hand side tickbox) and click ‘insert into post’ green button.
- Multiple images should be inserted into the post.
Account Setup
If you need some help setting up your Forum Account here are some tips.
Creating a Forum Account
- To set up a Forum Account, you’ll need to choose a username and input your email address.
- You’ll be sent an email asking you to set up a password.
- Login to your settings HERE
- Once you have logged in to the forum you should see a page a bit like this:
- You should be able to update your details
Updating your Avatar / Profile Photo
- From your dashboard, you will be directed to Gravatar to create an account and upload an avatar attached to your email you have used to login to the site
*make sure the email you have used for the forum is the same as your Gravatar Account* - If you are looking for an avatar, try this website, or upload your own.
Last seen: Jul 10, 2021
You did not state where you are at so I can only comment on USA bikes. 73's were Tahitian red,74's were candy sapphire blue,75's were Tahitian red and...
Interesting story Terry. So you have had the bike 25 years and have never rode it with the CG engine I assume? I bought mine around 25 years ago as we...
Mick it stands for engine. Look at your bikes frame serial number say it's TL125S 1234567. To identify the engines serial number Honda adds the E -s...
I cut and paste your address and I get this-The address "" in the "To" field was not recognized. Please make sure that all a...
The site is not letting me post cannot downsize file small you have an email for me to send it to?
I'm working on it file is too big.......
I'm sitting here with my American Honda TL parts catalog. Here in the states they were listed as TL 125,TL 125 K1,TL 125 K2 and TL 125S-76. The Feds m...
Make sure you use a motorcycle oil rated for wet clutches. Back when these were new we just used regular oil. When I bought my TL in '95 I just kept d...
I bought mine in '95 when you could still get some parts from Honda. Another benefit was the fact that the guy I bought the bike from had a side busin...
Mick is correct- but really none of the American models will have them-the K series didn't even have lights. I added the S models lighting to my K1
Beautiful work ! One of the things I like about them is that they are small and relatively lite. I just wish they had a little more power, a big bo...
Don't blame you,understand completely. I bought up a bunch of NOS stuff back when it was reasonable,prices are just crazy now. Sometimes wonder if the...
One on US ebay right now,not perfect though-
Took me awhile to find one but eventually did along with an upper mounting bracket,can't remember where I got it though. Took me many years to find th...
Here is my 1974 K1 survivor purchased in 1995